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Releasing Co-Dependency & Stepping into a New Paradigm of Self-Trust & Interconnection

So let's get CONNECTED!

The world is evolving & you are evolving with it 

You can allow yourself to get tossed around & dragged under or you can choose to get consciously connected to yourself, cultivate a deep sense of Self-Trust, and learn to feel fully ALIVE & ALIGNED as you ride the waves of change!


Sovereign Self Medicine is a new way of being, a radically honest & deeply interconnected way of relating & interacting with yourself & the world around you.


It asks that you stop looking outside yourself for the answers & to trust the wisdom within your own being as the best guidance for you–to trust that when you are fulfilled, the world is fulfilled in turn.


When you put your full trust & faith in others above yourself, follow their authority & truth rather than your own, you reject your own power & betray the very knowing that is you.


And yes, when we are all following our own internal voices, the world will be filled with a vast amount of variety & ways of doing and being.


That's ok!

In fact, it is crucial to our wellbeing!


Sovereign Self Medicine teaches us the wisdom in difference. It shows us that a world filled with Soulful Self Seekers is a world filled with JOY & LIVING.


Homogenization is a construct of fear, judgement, & shame. In true interconnection, differences are celebrated & valued. If we were all the same, we could not serve each other in any way at all. It is only through our differences in thinking, knowing, being, & doing that we can learn & grow.


Sameness is not oneness anymore than physical proximity is closeness & connection. Oneness recognizes the individual and their value to the whole.


We each have a very unique role in being, and we are here to explore that in this realm.


More of the same won't cut it.

The old must make way for the new.

You must be brave enough to trust yourself & own your unique energetic & physical signature because

that's you


YOU are why you're here!


"Authenticity requires a certain measure of vulnerability, transparency, and integrity."


Kylee Foote

The Conscious Connection Coach


I am a communicator.

It's not only what I do, it's who I am & what I love. I can talk for hours & hours about all sorts of different things. I love learning about how people used to live and how that relates to the way we live now. I even considered a career in anthropology before I chose to embrace being a teacher! I equally adore all things metaphysical, paranormal, esoteric, & spiritual. I'll chat with you about everything from the full body apparitions I've encountered, the plants I talk to, the Starbeings I regularly work with in my own spiritual practice & everything in between.


 But my favorite topic of all to talk & teach about is connection! In fact, what lights me ALL THE WAY UP is Soul to Self communication, strengthening the connection you have with yourself & the conscious wisdom within, because I see it as the basis for all other connections in life–soul to soul or person to person, person to planet/nature, as well as person to any other energy or frequency.


Rather than hyper-fixating on our relationships to others, especially from a place of lack or wounding, I believe it to be most valuable to focus first & foremost on our relationship to ourselves. The more in-tune & sovereign we become, the deeper & more aligned our connections with others & the world are.


My deepest passion that has become part of the very foundation of my life is learning from plants & working with the conscious wisdom of Nature to not only understand more about myself & life in general, but to shift my way of thinking, believing, being, & doing to be more aligned & embodied in me.


And for the teacher in me, a big part of my joy is sharing all of this with others, so they can experience the same massive paradigm shifts I have!


"I've worked with Kylee for more than a year now, wow! And I so appreciate her integrity.  She creates a space filled with respect and kindness.  I Trust Kylee.  I can show up with my barriers down, and that in itself is healing. Working with Kylee is a bit like finding a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow!"

Wendy A.

"Kylee doesn't simply know her stuff when it comes to energetic healing and plant medicine. She teaches you to trust your intuition and the powerful, tangible connections you sense toward certain plants and to harness those connections to heal yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Even better, her method works every single time, no matter the ailment or concern."

Sara L.

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